About Us

About Our Company
Shymkent Oil Refinery is a major energy player, which produces and markets fuels, natural gas. Our employees are committed to better energy that is safer, more affordable, cleaner and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, our ambition is to become the higher responsible energy major exploration, drilling and production units, oil refining, gas processing.
- A Full Services
- Ensure Economic Growth
- Relationship With Client
- Maintain Procedure
- All Maintenance
- Innovative Development
- Team Working Dedicatedly
- key Performance Indication
What We Offer

Client Focus
Our approach is led by an unwavering focus on fully understanding the needs of clients and delivering on our promises, regardless of the scale or complexity of the challenge in hand. Working collaboratively with our clients, we develop bespoke teams and solutions from concept through every stage of the project to completion, ensuring the best expertise and resources are deployed to achieve the required time, cost, quality, safety and sustainability outcomes.

Shymkent Refinery creates added value for its customers and for the society striving to preserve each of the six capitals (human, social, intellectual, manufacturing, natural and financial) Accountability. Shymkent Refinery is guided in its activities by both strategic long-term and tactical short-term interests of the Kaazakhstan society as a whole, as the concurrent owner of the group and user of its activities

Working With Us
With a network of teams globally, we understand that every market is different. We work very hard to identify and develop solutions best for our clientele, helping them manage physical risk and optimize opportunities. Our trading presence is supported by a complementary infrastructure: storage, transport, distribution and a marketing network across four continents.
Company Initiative

Our Mission
Ensuring the progressive development of the company as one of the largest vertically integrated Russian producers of oil and gas, oil and gas processing and petrochemical products based on effective management of shareholders’ assets.

Our special purpose and our operational experience in our business model will help to realize our vision of growing our business in the oil and gas industry, separating our ecological footprint from growth and increase social impact, governance.

Our Strategy
We have built a strategy that will help the company achieve the goal of making sustainable life everyday, to realize our vision, we have invested in a long-term strategy of divisions and brands that drive growth for the benefit of all stakeholders in globaly market.

Our Key
The company key priorities of production are the development of resource potential and efficient exploitation of subsoil in strict accordance with environmental safety standards and the introduction of modern technologies for easy enhance large production.
Client Testimonials

Today we successfully operate and hold our leading position only because of all the hard work and efforts our workers put into development and constant improvment of the Refinery

During it’s half century history, Shymkent Refinery witnessed a lot of changes made and a lot of traditions built, welcomed outstandding professionals work made our Refinery recognized

we pioneered the use of a gas cycling process, reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. and our Refinery products are certified for compliance with the technical regulations to give you the best.

Frequently Asked Questions.
Synergistically build professional performance in: Provision of petrochemicals products services in the field of oil and natural gas production international marketing. Production of petroleum products, Crude oil production. Extraction of oil (associated gas), Provision of drilling services related to the production of oil, gas and gas condensate, Separation and extraction of fractions from oil (associated) gas. Geological exploration, geophysical and geochemical works in the field of subsoil research and reproduction of mineral resources
Successful experience in profitable operations in small fields with unbalanced development systems; knowledge of the specifics of work in various regions of the world. extensive experience in the implementation of international oil and gas projects, stable long-term relations with leading oil companies in Russia and the world, conducting research and Distinctively impact synergistic experiences.
Our deep industry know-how, an individual IT system, the successful implementation of best management practices and the dedication of our employees, we can offer our customers an unrivaled level of service at competitive prices and provide our customers with high-quality domestic and international transportation services, customs clearance, and integrated supply chain solutions.